The following clients have kindly offered feedback about their experiences of counselling. To preserve confidentiality I have not used names or initials.
"When asked if I would write a testimonial my first response was no. But then I thought about it and wondered if my experience could help others if they were as confused as I was when I first saw Richard. I'd always considered myself an alpha male in a stronfly male profession, married and with kids, my job took me around the world. But I had a sexually compulsive behaviour that I couldn't stop…meeting with men and performing oral sex on them. As much as I was intensley ashamed of doing it, it was getting out of hand, riskier and riskier sex, thats when I sought Richard out. We talked over a period of about a year and in that time we pulled our marriage back from the brink, my wife did her own therapy, I had an affair and finally my acting out on all fronts ended including the meeting of men and anonymous sex with them. We began to build back our marriage…I thank Richard for all the help he gave me in working out where all this stuff came from and cutting through all the shame involved" Anon, Malaga
"When I first met Richard I was sceptical of counselling following a bad experience and the fact that I had been suffering from a lack of sex drive for over ten years. During the first consultation my reservations soon disappeared and I began to open up in a way that was alien to me. I attended many sessions with my partner and was amazed at the learning we both shared about each other that became apparent during these sessions. I know now that the answer to my problems will come from within and it wasn't due to my inadequacies and I soon realised I was not alone which goes some way to helping. I was amazed how comfortable we both felt and his ability to tease out our true feelings and inhibitions and to help us express our true feelings. These sessions have helped with my difficulties and our relationship has benefitted from them to the extent that we now no longer feel the need for counselling but to go it alone. Thank you so much Richard." Anon – Marbella
"When you first admit to your addiction your life can seem a frightening place and without the professional and sympathetic help and structure I received from Richard my personal outcome could have been much different. Going back to the roots of my addiction and then planning a way to manage and recover without professional advice would have been impossible, with the potential to slip back into addiction when it all got too painful or difficult a very likely result. With Richard's counselling, his sympathetic guidance and his personal network of support professionals I have managed to recover my marriage and family as well as make a personal change that has benefited all aspects of my life from work to pleasure – Thank you Richard." Anon – Surrey
"After years of floundering and hiding the issues in our sex life we decided to attend therapy. Richard provided us with an open and fair forum to air our thoughts and feelings. His gentle words and perceptive views enabled us to explore our relationship and personal background while solving a penetration disorder. It may seem daunting to speak to someone but we can honestly say it has helped us immensely. Richard has a great approach he is sensitive and listens intently with just the right amount of sincerity. In the sessions there were times of laughter, stories/memories that often get locked away and shared contentment when we made progress. The sessions renewed our relationship and meant we could finally achieve a fulfilling sex life.
We realise that there may be other challenges as we progress throughout our lives but Richard's guidance and support has made us stronger and united as a couple. He offers kindness when it is needed but still pushes you when you need to move forward. It is for this reason that we will stay in touch with Richard and if we ever need a good ear and advice we know we have someone to turn too." Anon – Epsom.
"During the few sessions I have had with Richard I have learnt to be able to express myself again, cope better with my emotions, and also take a step back and rationalise things. The re assurance I have received from counselling has made me a more level headed person once more, I can't thank Richard enough" Anon – Worcester Park, Surrey.
"We have been in a long term marriage and over recent years I have suffered with erectile problems. Underlying our relationship was a lot of unexpressed anger which we didn't really acknowledge. With Richard's help we were both able to express ourselves better about what we needed from each other and I was helped with my personal difficulties which has improved our relationship no end" Anon – Epsom, Surrey
"I have had a long history of premature ejaculation and first came to Richard thinking that there was some magic cure to make it go away. What I realised was that PE can happen for many reasons and that the more I got to talk about it and do some of the exercises, the more I began to get the bigger picture about PE. It was still not 'cured' totally when I left therapy but I learnt such a lot about myself on so many different levels and felt better about myself…"Anon – Bayswater, London
"I can't thank Richard enough for helping me to understand how much internet porn was dominating my life and how it had got to this level affecting me and my relationship. Talking about some very difficult things and being supported at the same time, I was able to get a different perspective on my addiction, something I had never called it before, and although I still look at it, it doesn't have the same control over me and I'm happier in myself" Anon – Camden Town, London
"My partner and I called Richard when the state of our relationship became intolerable. We didn't know where to start to mend things, we didn't even know if that was what we wanted, we were on the brink of giving up; my libido was low and our sex life was non-existent. Somehow through honest and open discussion we were helped to find ways forward and rekindle our partnership…" Anon – Highgate, London
"I had never done any counselling prior to seeing Richard so I was skeptical and had no idea what to expect or if it would help in the way that it has. I found him very easy to talk to and soon felt at ease; he is a good listener and through my ramblings was able to make sense of what was going on inside me and helped me see things from a new angle. Over time I began to accept myself and realised how I had got in the situation that led me to seek counselling in the first place…" Anon – Wimbledon, South London
"I came into counselling when my behaviour that involved spending hours in chat rooms and looking at porn online was discovered by my partner. I didn't think anything of it as I'd done it for as long as I could remember even with past partners. It was only when my girlfriend threatened to leave me unless I got help that I realised that I has a problem. It was really embarrassing to talk about but as time went on it got easier as it felt safe and I wasn't judged or criticised by Richard. My secrets were out in the open…" Anon – Regent's Park, London.
"When I began psychosexual therapy I wanted help with my erections which had been bothering me on and off for as long as I can remember. I hadn't had much sexual experience to speak of and had always found relationships difficult around sex. I suffered in silence for a long time until meeting someone important in my life and then I had to face my problem. With Richard's help I realised that my focus on my erections was only part of the problem and that I needed help with confidence and anxiety as well as medical ways of sustaining my erections, all of which Richard was able to provide. " Anon – Weybridge, Surrey.
"Our GP referred me to an NHS sexual health clinic for psychosexual therapy for suspected Vaginismus, something I only became aware of when meeting my husband and finding it impossible to have penetrative sex. The waiting time was too long however so we decided to go privately. It was a nerve wracking experience for me but with the support of my husband and Richard, we found ways through practical exercises and couple's therapy to engage in satisfying sex, something I had never experienced before. Our experience with Richard brought us closer together in ways we hadn't imagined, something we would have found very challenging had we tried by ourselves…" Anon – Notting Hill Gate, London.
"Me and my partner decided to get couples counselling because we had come to a stale-mate in our sex life. Apart from sex we thought we had a committed relationship but it had become more of a friendship and dissatisfaction had been starting to build up. To cap it all my boyfriend began losing his erections and began losing interest in even mentioning sex which really worried me as I thought he was losing interest in me. Sex therapy was really useful in kick-starting our relationship; Richard was attuned and understanding about some of the things gay men go through and it really helped talking about our different fantasies and generally being much more open with each other" Anon – New Malden, Surrey.
"When my partner and I arrived for counselling our sex life had reached a point of no return: no passion, no sexual fantasies explored, no sex at all. We didn't know where to start to mend things even though we felt that we wanted to save our long-term relationship. Both of us had already done counselling prior to seeing Richard so, this would have to be our last chance. He was amazing: his sense of humour mixed with his professionalism helped us to find the right way to get our sex life back on track. We felt at ease all the times even though we were going through honest and sometimes "painful" analysis of our past. We cannot thank Richard enough" Anon – East London.
"I contacted Richard experiencing a lot of fear and anxiety around sex in a new and important relationship for me. Such was my nervousness that I found it difficult to be in the moment and my thoughts wandered causing me to lose concentration and then my erections. I had reached my early thirties having had very few sexual experiences and non involving intercourse. I put this down to having phimosis which was only diagnosed and treated in the last couple of years. With Richard's support I learnt to relax and techniques to help my erections. But what really helped the most was, because I was so inexperienced and shy, getting me to overcome my fears of penetration and, although it sounds silly now, guiding me through the whole love-making experience when I came up against obstacles." Anon – North London