What is Sexual Compulsivity?
It’s hard to imagine that something as natural, healthy and enjoyable as sex can, in certain circumstances, be equated with compulsion. The dilemma in understanding sexual compulsion is that unlike alcohol, drugs or gambling, which can be given up, sex is part of human nature to bond and seek contentment.
Not every person who has an affair, watches porn or has lots of sex with lots of people suffers from sexual compulsivity. But it exists and it is different from generally high libido; there is no such thing as 5 minutes of porn, just an hour in the strip club or just one partner this week. Whatever the compulsive behaviour it is impossible to stop. Hours on the internet, bank accounts emptied on prostitutes and lap dancers, one affair after another, masturbation until sore…once started these can become the unstoppable patterns.
Like other compulsive behaviour and ritual that results in shameful and painful discoveries, broken relationships, jobs, sleep and money lost, such consequences don’t stop the need to go back for more despite repeated humiliation. All this in an attempt to exert self control and enjoy sex as others do. The obsessive behaviour continues however, becomes harder to stop and seriously compromises quality of life.
If you are experiencing any of the following, now may be a good time to seek help and support in overcoming sexual compulsivity:
Powerlessness over compulsive sexual behaviour.
Resulting unmanageability of his/her life.
Feelings of shame, pain, and self-loathing
Failed promises and attempts to stop acting out.
Preoccupation with sex leading to ritual.
Progressive worsening of negative consequences.
Help with Sexual compulsivity in Estepona and online Worldwide. I am experienced working with sexual compulsivity in individuals and as part of a couple relationship.
Contact me to arrange a confidential initial assessment on +44 7813944146.